Myofascial Release Therapy

Myofascial release therapy is one of our favorite massage techniques for chronic pain and poor range of motion! This technique involves slowly and gently stretching your fascia to create space for your muscles to relax. 

Fascia is the sheet of connective tissue beneath your skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles, organs, and bones. (For a visual, it is that thin sheet of tissue that encases a chicken breast.) Fascia, unlike muscle, is really hard to release by stretches or  general massage techniques. It responds better to gentle sustained pressure at the points of restriction to eliminate pain and improve range of motion. The best way to stretch your fascia at home is using a foam roller.

Our Myofascial massage incorporates a variety of Myofascial release techniques and movement therapy. During your treatment your massage therapist finds the areas of fascia that feel stiff and fixed instead of elastic and movable. These areas may not be where your pain is located but may be restricting muscle and joint movements, contributing to your pain. Myofascial massage is performed directly on skin with little to no oil or lotion. This enables your therapist to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to allow release of fascia. For most clients Myofascial release is very relaxing to receive, however, in cases of very adhered fascia you may experience a slight burning sensation as your fascia stretches. While this is a good sign that the adhesion is being released, always feel free to communicate any discomfort you may feel during your massage so your therapist may adjust accordingly.


We encourage independence by educating our clients in proper body mechanics and movement, self care tips, enhancement of strength, stretches to improve flexibility, as well as postural and movement awareness. After your service your therapist will suggest stretches and/or exercises that may help reduce your symptoms between massage sessions. These stretches/exercises are suggestions only and if you have any concerns you should consult with your doctor.

Alexandria Taylor